The Northfield volleyball team defeated Manchester 25-19, 25-9, 25-21 Tuesday.
Ella Hunter
Morgan Meyer 11 points, 3 serve receptions, and 4 digs
Elise Gottschalk 9 points, 1 ace, 18 serve receptions, 1 assist, and 21 digs
Kearston Stout 2 points, 7 kills, 3 solo blocks, and 1 dig
Kenzie Baer 11 points, 1 ace, 2 kills, 7 serve receptions, and 12 digs
Madison Shrider 2 kills
Avery Shrider 1 serve reception
Abigail Hunter 4 points, 2 aces, 6 kills, 19 assists, and 8 digs
Emily Pennington 5 kills, 1 serve reception, and 4 solo block
Addi Baker 6 points, 9 kills, 7 serve receptions, and 23 digs
Ali Sites – 1 service point, 1 kill, 17 serve receptions, 1 assist, 27 digs
Mackenzie Day – 7 service points, 1 ace, 2 kills, 4 serve receptions, 1 block, 1 assist, 2 digs
Kyrsten Eakright – 2 kills, 1 serve reception, 2 blocks
Kendra Kline – 4 service points, 1 ace, 1 kill, 6 serve receptions, 10 assists, 6 digs
Zoey Ream – 5 service points, 2 aces, 9 serve receptions, 3 digs
Lydia Greer – 6 serve receptions, 4 digs
Catherine Ondrla – 1 service point, 1 kill, 10 serve receptions, 2 assists, 3 digs
Aubree Lambert – 5 kills, 1 block, 1 dig
Sarah Pegg – 1 block, 1 assist
Andrea Kahn – 4 kills, 3 serve receptions, 5 digs
Manchester won the junior varsity contest 25-12, 25-11
Trinity Akins- 2 digs, 5 assists
Lauren Barrett- 9 digs
Blake Drasny- 4 kills, 7 digs, 1 assist
Makenzy Meyer- 8 kills, 1 block
Alayna Miller-
Olivia Neal- 1 kill, 3 digs, 1 assist, 1 ace
McKenna Rickert- 6 kills, 1 dig
Allison Zartman- 5 kills, 9 digs
Anna Zartman- 3 digs, 14 assists, 3 aces
Asia Miller 1 kill and 1 serve reception
Crysta Kowalczuk 1 kill and 1 dig
Kenzie Griffin 2 kills, 1 serve reception and 1 dig
Ella Hunter 1 point, 1 ace, 6 assists and 6 digs
Courtney Dutton 14 serve receptions and 11 digs
Aliya Krom 3 points, 2 aces, 7 serve receptions, and 3 digs
Oliva Curry 5 point, 2 aces, 1 kill, 2 serve receptions, and 5 digs
Avery Shrider 2 points, 2 kills, 9 serve receptions, and 8 digs
CLICK HERE for photos from the match
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