The Manchester Lady Squires Track team participated in 3 events at the Kokomo regional Tuesday night.
(more…)Category: Girls Track
Manchester Girls/Wabash Boys Capture County Track Titles
The Manchester girls and Wabash boys took home Wabash County track titles Wednesday.
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Wabash County JH Track Meet Results
The Wabash County junior high track meet was held at Southwood Wednesday evening.
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Norse JH Track Defeats North Miami
In their last home meet of the year, Northfield boys and girls team defeated North Miami.
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Wabash Boys/Girls Track Second At Apache Invite
Neither rain or wind could dampen the will to fight in the Apache men as they competed in their home invitational Friday evening. Stellar performances occurred in many events throughout the night. In a back and forth battle the Apaches finished runner up to Maconaquah 176-172.
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Southwood Wins Knight Relays
Southwood ran away from the competition at the Knight Relays. The boys and girls track teams combined in a coed competition to face off against 5 other teams.
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Manchester Track Splits With Valley
The Manchester track teams split with Tippecanoe Valley Thursday.
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Manchester Track Wins At Northfield
The Squire track teams danced in the rain at Northfield Tuesday night outscoring their opponents in a big way.
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Norse JH Track Host First Home Meet
In their first home meet of the year, the 7th grade junior high team were victorious against Crestview.
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Lady Squires Fifth At Turtle Town
The Manchester girls track team finished fifth at the Turtle Town Relays in Churubusco Saturday.
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Wabash Track Results
The Wabash boys track was fortunate to have excellent conditions for their 1st home meet of the season as the Apaches took on Whitko Thursday at Alumni Field.
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Southwood/Manchester JH Track
Results of the Southwood vs Manchester junior high track meet Wednesday.
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Manchester Track Wins Three Way
The Manchester track team won a three way meet over Caston and North Miami Mondy.
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Wabash Track Wins 3-Way
The Wabash High School boys track team competed in a 3 way meet against Northfield and Tippecanoe Valley Tuesday.
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Southwood JH Track Wins Three Way
The Southwood junior high track teams won a triangular meet over North Miami and Oak Hill Monday.
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Manchester Track Wins Three Way
It was a beautiful night for the track meet at Caston with both Squire teams sweeping the competition.
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Norse Track Runs Well At Eastbrook
The Northfield girls and boys varsity track teams traveled to Eastbrook Friday evening to compete in the Eastbrook Invitational.
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Southwood/Northfield JH Track Teams Battle
The Southwood and Northfield junior high track teams battled each other Wednesday.