Lady Norse Pounce On Southern Wells

The Northfield Lady Norse played first round sectional opponent Southern Wells Monday night, defeating the Raiders 53-36.

The Norse were led by Kearston Stout with 14 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists, and 1 steal. Kenzie Baer had 10 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and 3 steals. Emma Hoover had 9 points, 4 rebounds, and 3 assists. Addi Baker and Fayth Leming both add 7 points.


#Athlete NamePtsFGFGAFG%
3Faith Leming (Sr)73743
10Addy Rosen (So)21520
13Ainsley Dale (So)020
20E. Pennington (So)42540
22Emma Hoover (Jr)94944
33Addi Baker (Jr)73650
42Kearston Stout (Jr)1471164
55Kenzie Baer (Jr)103743
Team Totals53235244

Rebs, Asst, Steals and TOs

#Athlete NameOffDefTot RebAstStlsTO
3Faith Leming (Sr)011010
10Addy Rosen (So)00111
13Ainsley Dale (So)011000
20E. Pennington (So)257101
22Emma Hoover (Jr)134301
33Addi Baker (Jr)123201
42Kearston Stout (Jr)7411411
55Kenzie Baer (Jr)235233
Team Totals1319321368

The Northfield junior varsity fell to Southern Wells 33-26

Ashlynn Pennington and Maci Buzzard led with 8 points. Autumn Custer added 6 points for the Norse.


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