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Wabash County Sports

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Manchester Tennis Falls At Huntington


The Manchester tennis team fell to Huntington 5-0 Wednesday.


  1. Brady Wiley vs Carson Kitchen 1-6 0-6 Loss
  2. Ethan Espeset vs Jacob Daugherty 4-6 3-6 Loss
  3. Peyton Jones vs Chase Mickley 1-6 1-6 Loss


  1. Isaac Riechenbach & Justin Hall vs Noah Zahn & Thomas Schweller 0-6 3-6 Loss
  2. Sam Hupp & Calvin Brown vs Matthew Weill & Reid Eckert 0-6 0-6 Loss

Jv Manchester 0 Huntington 3
Zach France loss 1-6 L
Josh Steele loss 1-6 L
Doubles 0-6 L

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