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Norse Wrestlers Top Mississinewa


The Northfield wrestling team defeated Mississinewa 51-31 Tuesday.

If you know the legacy of Northfield Wrestling, one of the names that comes to mind is Coach Bill Campbell. Bill Campbell coached for over three decades mentoring to generations of Northfield Wrestlers. This past Monday, Coach Campbell underwent surgery and is currently still in the hospital recovering. The Wrestling Norsemen dedicated tonight’s dual meet against Mississinewa to Coach Campbell winning 51 – 31. Campbell’s own grandson, Junior Kevin Buzzard kickstarted the action scoring a :35 second pin in Junior Varsity action! This one was for you Coach!


106: Hurd (Miss) – forfeit
113: Wastinger (Miss) pinned Hey (NF) :13
120: Double Forfeit
126: Alston (Miss) pinned Pratt (NF) 1:10
132: Clark (NF) – forfeit
138: Coulter (Miss) decisioned Burns (NF) 11-6
145: Osborn, D (NF) pinned Bebout (Miss) 1:43
152: Galbraith (NF) pinned Gray (Miss) :56
160: Gates (NF) – forfeit
170: Barlow (NF) decisioned Johnson (Miss) 5-4
182: Goshert (NF) pinned McCoy (Miss ) 5:37
195: Cox (NF) pinned Spencer (Miss) 3:48
220: Higgins (NF) pinned Brown (Miss) 3:12
285: Osborn, M (NF) pinned Alsip (Miss) 2:59


220: Buzzard (NF) pinned McComas (Miss) :35
195: Copeland (NF) pinned Mobley (Miss) 5:35

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