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Norse Wrestling Fourth At Rossville


The Northfield Varsity Wrestling finished fourth at the Rossville Hornet Super 6 Invitational Saturday.

As a team, the Norsemen recorded 2 wins & 3 losses for the day

Seniors Jaydan Goshert (182) and Mason Osborn (285) went 4-0 for the day, with Goshert ‘s longest match lasting 3:30 seconds pinning Kade DeBoard of North White.

Juniors John Clark (132) and Karson Pratt (138) both went 2 & 2 for the day.

Sophomores Layne Denton (145) and Dylan Osborn (152) went 2-3 and 3-2 respectfully for the day.

Freshmen Kameron Pratt (120) went 4-1 for an impressive starting his varsity career. Ella Gahl (126) scored her second varsity win, pinning Caleb Hensley of Rossville in 3:30.

Team Results:

-Fountain Central (L) 45-24
-Indiana School of the Deaf (L) 32-30
-Faith Christian (L) 49-24
-North White (W) 42-30
-Rossville (W) 42-30

Northfield moves to improve their team record as they travel to Lewis-Cass on November 30th.

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