Manchester Swimmers Take On Valley

The Manchester swim teams took on Tippecanoe Valley Wednesday.

With no divers, the Squire girls started the night in a big hole, but quickly dug themselves with a victory in the opening 200 Medley Relay by the team of Miriam Struble-Hedstrom, Hannah Eberly, Josie Briner, and Gracie Dale. A 1,2,4 finish in the 50 freestyle by Dale, Nele Bichler, and Sophie Anglin sandwiched between Josie Briner victories in the 200 IM and 100 butterly put Manchester in the lead. Hannah Eberly added to the lead with a first place in the 100 freestyle, but Tippecanoe Valley came roaring back to capture first place in the remaining events to force a tie. Manchester will host Huntington North on Tuesday for Senior night where we will recognize senior Kaesyn Lester along with our three exchange students, Nele Bichler, Robin Gibin, and Julie Moren.

The Squire boys fell to a strong Tippecanoe Valley squad 81-46. The 400 freestyle relay team of Jonathan Eberly, Caden Marcum, Cale Bennett, and Caleb Smith garnered the lone first place finish for Manchester. The Squires will host Huntington North on Tuesday on Senior Night where we will recognize seniors Raice Martin and Jonathan Eberly.