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Wabash County Sports

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Outside The County-Huntington North


Results from Huntington North for Wednesday, May 3rd

Won 12-2 in 6 innings

Ava Poulson was the winning pitcher gave up 5 hits, had 9Ks 0BB

Reece Douglass went 4 for 4
Madi Ptak went 2 for 3
Emma Helvie and Corinne Martz went 2 for 4



Huntington North High School senior Cole Col lins will sign h is National Letter of Intent
with the IU – Kokomo on Wednes day , May 1 0 , 202 3 , at 3 : 15 p.m. in Huntington North ’s
media room . Collins will be continuing h is academic career and a member of the men’s
golf team as a Cougar .
C ollins , a four – year member, and varsity letter winner on t he Viking boys golf team.
We hope yo u can join us on We dnesday , May 10 , 202 3 , at 3: 15 p.m. to celebrate Viking
student – athlete Cole Collins and h is official commitment to IU – Kokomo !M EMBER N ORTH C ENTRAL A SSOCIATION O F C OLLEGES A ND S ECONDARY S CHOOLS


2Mara Hendryx4411100002000
3Ava Geiger0000000001000
4Kianna Jennings3200000001110
5Corinne Martz4422200002000
6Kinlee Landrum3211100010110
7Ava Poulson4213001020200
8Reece Douglas4444400032000
9Emma Helvie4424101011000
10Serenidy Mitchem1111100002000
11Madison Ptak3323110041000
15Zoey Stanley2100000000100
7Ava Poulson6.01100050922
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