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Wabash County Sports

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Apaches Pick Up First Win Over North Miami


The Wabash Apaches scored 20 points in the second quarter and made it hold as they defeated North Miami 20-18 Friday for their first win of the season.

North Miami would get the lone score in the first quarter on a 34yd run to lead 6-0.

Wabash went to work in the second. Izzak Wright would hook up with Jason Tait from 42yds out to tie the score with 6:55 on the clock. The Warriors would quickly answer, scoring on a 7yd run with 4:12 left to lead 12-6. The McWhirts would then strike for the Apaches with Jarrett running the kickoff back to the North Miami 35 before Haiden scored from 25yds out to give Wabash a 13-12 lead with 3:45 left. The Apache defense would hold and give the offense one more shot before the half. With 17.2 seconds left Wright would find DaVon Osborne from 14yds away to lead 20-12 at the half.

North Miami would draw closer with 6:15 left in the third on an 11yd run with the two point conversion failing and leaving Wabash leading 20-18.

The remainder of the third quarter and all of the fourth was a battle for field position with the Apaches stopping one last attempt by the Warriors for the 20-18 final.

To view photos from the game click on the picture and follow the link

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