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Wabash County Sports

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Wabash Tennis At Fremont


Wabash Boys tennis made the trek to Freemont HS for a 4 way round robin style tennis tournament Saturday.

Coach Mattern shared “I was very proud of our young men as they played three matches each in less than desirable conditions. Each match we focused on getting better and across the positions growth was made. It was a good day for WHS Tennis.”

Ewing @ 1 singles 1-2 on the day
Sparling @ 2 singles 0-3 on the day

Baker/Coffman @ 1doubles 0-3 on the day
Jacoby/Sellers @ 2 doubles 0-3 on the day

Wabash hopes to be at full strength Tuesday when Tipp Valley comes to Honeywell Park for our conference opener.

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