Squire Tennis Sweeps Apaches

The Wabash tennis team opened up their spring season at home against Manchester on a breezy Thursday evening. Wabash lost the varsity match to Manchester 0-5.

Brooke Irgang played number #1 singles and lost to Kelsey Eichenauer 0-6, 1-6. The match had many great points and long rallies.
Bella Carrillo played number #2 singles and lost to Halle Briner 1-6, 1-6.
Isabelle France lost to Eva Bazzoni at #3 singles 2-6, 0-6.
IN doubles action, number #1 doubles of Haley Miller and Camille Kugler lost 5-7, 4-6 to Anna Osborne and Halie Wampler. Number 2 doubles’ team of Annie Cole and Evelyn Grey lost 6-4, 4-6, 3-6.

CLICK HERE for photos from the match

Wabash won the JV match 5-1.

Madison Bartoo 9-7, Maggie France 8-3, Berta Larador-Brichis 8-3, Linda Fu and Maggie France 8-5, and Linda Fu and Madison Bartoo at 7-2. Ashley Bricker and Lucia Pena lost 4-8.


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