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Wednesday American League


Another beautiful night of baseball for the American League at the Field Of Dreams Wednesday Night.

We seen the Bott Mechanical WhiteSox take on the Lunquist Real Estate RedSox. For the RedSox Gage Whittaker goes 1-1 with two walks and four steals. Also Payton Nelson gets her first hit of the season. Manager Shane King commented. “A very well played game on both sides from both teams. Game of the year nominee”!! For the WhiteSox
Winning pitcher was Austin Lamson,/ inside the park home run by Devin Huston and he went 2/3 at the plate. Sawyer McNally went- 3/3 at the plate, and on the mound Landon Johnson 3k and Andi Conliff 3k. WhiteSox win a good battle 15-11.

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