County Golf Amateur

The Wabash County Golf Amateur took place at Honeywell and Etna Acres Golf Courses on July 27th and 28th. There were some great rounds and great experiences.

Men’s Championship Flight: This was a close race… the winner by 3 strokes was Braydon Schindler who went 74-72 for a 146. 2nd low gross was Jake Shaw who went 80 – 69. The low net (handicap) winner was Jim Monce with 128.
1st flight Men’s Champion is Jim Winget with 85 – 96 for 181. The Net winner was Mitchell Morris with 157.

Senior Champion race was close, with Rod Cole beating Ed Tackett by 1 with a score of 78 – 79 for a 157.
The net winner … also winning by one stroke was Monte Cardwell over Rick Treska with a 146.

Super Seniors Champion is Jeff Bosler with 81 -82 for 163. The net winner was Terry Pulley with 157 (winning in a back up with an eagle on #18).

Super Super Senior Champion is Dan Bickel 84- 75 for a 159. The net winner was Paul Schroeter with a 146.

Ladies Champion was also a close one.. coming down to the last hole and getting a par and the win was Bella Carrillo 81-85 for 166 win by one stroke over Dayna Dale.

The excitement started on Saturday at Honeywell when JoDee Dale got a hole -in- one on #3, Annie Driscoll followed with a bird on #4, and Bella got a bird on #5.


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