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Wabash County Sports

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Wabash 6th Sweeps Blaire Point


The Wabash 6th grade volleyball team defeated Blaire Point 25-21, 25-24 Thursday.

The Wabash Apaches opened their season with a win for both orange and black teams. The girls played together as a team and rallied when the score was tight. The girls hustled after every ball.

Scoring for the black team in 2 sets were:
Zoe Vail with 12 pts, one of those was an Ace
Addison Wischman with 5 pts
Ayanna Sellers with 3 pts
Audri Shidler with 2 pts also 1 being an Ace
Pasyn Schuler with 2 pts

Scoring for the orange team in 2 sets were:
Caylee Noland with 11 pts with 4 of those being Aces
Andi Conliff with 4 pts
Aubri Merrell with 3 pts one being an Ace
Liv Dillon with 1 pt
Makayla Winstead with 1 pt

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