Lady Squires Lose Tough One At Maconaquah

The Manchester Lady squires lost a tough one to Maconaquah Monday, falling 63-62 to the Braves.

Morgan Parrett- 4 points, 6 rebounds, 1 assist
Emma Garriott- 27 points, 2 rebounds, 4 steals, 3 assists, 1 block
Keilan Creager- 1 assist, 2 rebounds
Eva Bazzoni- 27 points, 9 rebounds, 4 steals
Ainsley West- 1 assist, 1 block, 1 rebound
Kindra Stetzel- 1 assist, 5 rebounds, 1 steal
Makenzy Meyer- 4 points, 7 rebounds, 1 assist

Coach’s Comments: Wow what a game. I am proud of our girls for bouncing back tonight and efficiency on offense. We averaged over 1 point per shot attempt and that is always going to lead to great offensive results. Our defense showed signs of growth tonight in segments and is an area we will continue to look to grow in moving forward as we prepare for another solid
opponent in Triton on Thursday night.

The Manchester junior varsity defeated Maconaquah 42-25.

Aliala Atienza- 6 points, 1 assist, 5 rebounds, 2 steals
Kaidyn Howard- 12 points, 3 assists, 1 block, 2 rebounds, 2 steals
Kelsey Blum- 1 rebound
Gracie Lauer- 11 points, 2 rebounds
McKelvey Espeset- 1 assist, 1 steal
Chaynee Tennant- 4 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 assist
Alexis Gearhart- 4 points, 1 rebound
Olivia Neal- 2 points, 5 rebounds, 1 steal
Leyna Borgmann- 3 points, 3 blocks, 7 rebounds