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Manchester Unified Falls To Eastside


The Manchester Unified football team fell to Eastside 26-24 Wednesday.

The Squires started out with an early lead with a 35 yard rushing touchdown from Reese Baker and one from Gavin Betten. Peyton Baker is a rushing machine putting pressure on the quarterback at all times. Gavin Martin and Cody Lengel had completed passes. Interceptions were provided by Gavin Betten, Carter Wagoner, and Rheise Baker. Alex Perkins and Cody Lengel both pulling flags in the first half to stop touchdowns. A reverse play to Brady Miller for a touchdown. Jacob Emerick provides pressure on defense. Gavin Martin and Gavin Betten with impeccable defense pulling five flags on a long E. Noble drive. Cody Lengel completes a pass to Lily Perkins for a gain of 5. 18-18 with two minutes left in the half. A rushing touchdown by Carter Wagner with 33 seconds remaining puts the Squires up 24-18. Interception by Betten with 18 seconds left. East Noble ties it up with no time on the clock going for one. Final score Manchester 24 E. Noble 26. Can’t say enough about the coaching staff of Manchester and the sportsmanship shown by both teams in this close game for East Noble’s Senior Night!

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