Outside The County-Huntington North

Results from Huntington North for Wednesday, April 26th

2Mara Hendryx3111100000000
4Kianna Jennings3312010000000
5Corinne Martz4422200002000
7Ava Poulson3326010121000
8Reece Douglas3200000001100
9Emma Helvie3200000010000
10Serenidy Mitchem3200000001120
11Madison Ptak3200000000010
15Zoey Stanley3200000000010
7Ava Poulson7.011000411311



HN win in 5

HN 3 EN 2

Set 1: HN 29 EN 27

Set 2: HN 25 EN 21

Set 3: HN 21 EN 25

Set 4: HN 14 EN 25

Set 5: HN 15 EN 5

Stat Leaders

Assists: Alwine 43

Blocks: Raymond 3

Aces: Klausing 3

Kills: Fusselman14

Digs: Smith 4


Date: Thursday , April 2 7 , 2023
Huntington North High School senior Emma Mounsey will sign h er National Letter of
Intent with Taylor University on Friday , May 5 , 202 3 , at 3 : 15 p.m. in Huntington North ’s
media room . Mounsey will be continuing h er academic career and a member of the
competitive cheerleading team.
Mounsey is a scholar athlete, and a four – year member of the cheerleading team while at
Huntington North High School.
We hope you can join us on Friday , May 5 , 202 3 , at 3: 15 p.m. to celebrate Viking
student – athlete Emma Mounsey and h er official commitment to Taylor University!M EMBER N ORTH C ENTRAL A SSOCIATION O F C OLLEGES A ND S ECONDARY S CHOOLS