June 6th Tuesday Senior Scramble/Mens League results:
Longest Drives: # 10 Gary Snyder, #14 Jim DuBois
Closest to the pins: #12 and #16 both go to Bob Bishop
Chip ins: Chuck Wells #12 and Ken Marshall #16
Low Score with 30 was Jerry Hoy, Darwin Stoffel, Dean sink and Rowdy Bryant. Second place with 32 was Jim Shearer, John Ayers and Jim Dubois. Two teams tied at 33 Paul Schoreter, Rich Batterson, Jeff Gray and Russ Felton along with Bob Hoch, Gary Snyder, Bob Bishop and Jim Melton.
Tues. Men’s League closest to pin #12 Bob Snyder, #16 Ed Tackett
Low Score: Todd Stoffel 35
Remember: The FOP #134 outing is this Saturday and Wabash Eagles June 17th. Both fundraisers are able to take a few more teams.