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Manchester Girls Soccer Explodes In Second Half


The Manchester Lady Squires soccer team opened up conference play with a victory over North Miami 4-0 Tuesday.

Manchester had multiple scoring opportunities in the first half but were unable to find the back of the net. The defensive efforts of Addison Brubaker, Maggie Onderko-White, Molly Schannep, Karsyn Kamphues and Chase Belvins were able to hold the Warriors scoreless through out the enire game.

The Lady Squires came alive in the second half as Brookelynn Buzzard was able to break through the defense and finish her shot. Shortly after Samantha Shock was able to score off a beautiful pass from London Spangle. Later London was able to lay off a pass to Campbell who was able to put it past the keeper. And finally Samantha Shock was able to finish a cross from Campbell Bolinger. Hannah Eberly, Ava Sautter, Joanna Eberly, and London Spange all had opportuities but weren’t able to capatalize. Grace Smith got the shut out in the net.

To view photos from the match click on the picture and follow the link

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