Northfield/Wabash JH Basketball Splits

The Northfield and Wabash junior high basketball teams split a pair of games at Northfield Monday.

Wabash won the 7th grade game 37-34.

Treyce Daughtry 8 points
Beckett Shaw 6 points
Luke Kaufman 3 points
Zach Miller 5 points
Eli Eltzroth 2 points
Jake Sailors 12 points
Keaton Fairchild 1 point

Bode Sorg 9 Asa Dawes 8 Logan Holmes 7 Bodie Schnurpel 6 Liam Perez 2 Liam Clark 2

Northfield won the 8th grade game 31-26

Cooper Good 1 Kolten Prus 2 Breckon Floor 3 Kasen Frank 5 Cody Holmes 18 Ean Selleck 2

Preston Cantrell–15 points–5 rebounds–2 steals Kam Oswalt–7 points–2 steals Gabe LePage–2 points–3 rebounds Mackey Sorg–2 points–5 rebounds–3 steals Ian Edmond–2 rebounds–2 steals

While covering the girls high school game I was able to sneak over to the east gym and snap a few shots from each game.

To view the photos click on the picture and follow the link

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