Etna Acres News
June 27th Scramble League results:
Closest to the pins: #2 Bob Clabaugh, #8 Don Sweet
Longest putt made: Bob Snyder
Chip ins: Ron Huston and Brad Wright #7, Bob and Carol Clabaugh #9, Mick and Mike Bickel #8, Jake Shaw and Cedric Bechtold #2
Low putts with 10 was Jake and Cedric
We will have tee times available after 10 Saturday morning following the Huntington County Golf Amateur.
Ladies League results:
“love ’em”–ladies picked their favorite 3 holes (those three holes added together was their score). Winners were Carol Clabaugh with 14, Jessica Jones with 13 and Stephanie Timmons with 17. Dayna Dale had a bird on #9.
June 25th Senior Scramble League results:
Closest to the pin: #2 Ron Clabaugh, #8 Paul Schroeter
Longest drives: #3 Bob Bishop, #9 Brad Farlow
Chip ins: #5 Mike Goetz, #3 Rich Shearer
LOW sore with 29 Brad Farlow, Bob Hoch, John Ayers, and Ron Clabaugh. Second with a 30 was Dan Sparling, Vern Leming, Bob Clabaugh, and Paul Schroeter. Three teams tied at 32.
Tuesday Men’s League results:
Closest to pin #2 Devin Dale, #8 Jake Shaw
Reminder: We will be closed Saturday morning for the first round of the Huntington County Golf Amateur.