News from Etna Acres for this week
Thursday Aug. 1st Scramble League results:
Closest to pin #12, Bob Hoch, #16 Gary Snyder
Longest putt made Dan and Myra Bickel
Low putts (10) and the lone chip in Buck Varner/ Keith Myers
Ladies League winners were: Dayna Dale(also had a bird), Pam Sprowl, and Mary Hipskin.
Tuesday July 30th Senior Scramble League results:
Longest Drive #10 Don Conley, #14 Bob Clabaugh
Closest to the pins #12 Ken Marshall, #16 Steve Jeffers
Chip ins (Kevin Yenna #11, Mike Goetz # ?
Low team score with 31 Steve Davis, Tom Tucker, John Ayers, Clyde Smith. Two teams tied at 32. 2nd with bird on #17 John Kline, Steve Jeffers, Terry Fauzz, Dean Sink. 3rd Bob Clabaugh, Dan Rumple, Darwin Stoffel, Chris Lawson, and Tom Oldencamp.
Tuesday Men’s League:
Closest to the pin #12 Jerry Bird, # 16 Jake Shaw
Results of the July 25th Scramble League:
Closest to the pin #2 Keith Myers, #8 Bob Hoch
Longest putt made Todd Rebholz/Jan Finch (also had the lone chip in for the night on #5)
Low putts with 10 Ron Huston and Brad Wright