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Wabash County Sports

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Wabash Girls Run Well At Huntington


The Wabash Lady Apaches cross country team competed at the Huntington North Viking Invitational Saturday August 24th, taking on over 16 teams and 112 individuals in the varsity race.

With perfect racing conditions, the ladies set out determined and over half finished with season PRs.

Finishing first for the team was Angel Wehrly, a senior, who ran a season PR of 25:49. Another senior, Camille Kugler, ran her season PR of 28:38. Freshman Grace Lamar completed her race with a season PR of 31:35. Rounding out the team, Junior Madison Bartoo completed her race with a time of 32:22.

The Lady Apaches will be competing again on Tuesday, August 27th at the North Miami Invitational.

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