Lady Squires Shock Huntington

The Manchester Lady Squires shocked Huntington Tuesday, defeating the Vikings 52-39.

Morgan Parrett- 9 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 assist
Emma Garriott- 6 points, 2 assists, 3 blocks, 4 rebounds, 2 steals
Makenzy Meyer- 8 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal
Eva Bazzoni- 17 points, 12 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 1 block
Keilan Creager- 2 points, 3 assists, 2 rebounds
Ainsley West- 2 points, 1 assist, 1 rebound
Beletu Stout- 8 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist
Kindra Stetzel- 1 rebound

Coach’s Comments: Another total team effort tonight. Our bigs did a great job battling inside and we got great minutes and production from every guard! I love how hard this team competes and grinds every minute. Looking forward to finally getting to a conference opener on Friday
night against a well-coached Whitko program!

The Manchester junior varsity fell to Huntington 43-14

Aliala Atienza- 2 steals, 1 assist
Kaidyn Howard- 6 points, 2assists, 3 rebounds, 1 steal
Kelsey Blum- 2 points, 1 rebound, 1 steal, 1 block
Kim Schroll- 2 points, 1 rebound
Gracie Lauer- 2 points, 4 rebounds, 1 steal
McKelvey Espeset- 2 rebounds
Kindra Stetzel- 2 points, 1 rebound
Chaynee Tennant- 1 rebound, 1 assist, 1 steal
Olivia Neal- 4 rebounds
Leyna Borgmann- 4 rebounds