Lady Squires Struggle Against Maconaquah

The Manchester Lady Squires fell to Maconaquah 66-28 Saturday.


#Athlete NamePtsFGFGAFG%
3Aliala Atienza (Jr)21333
4Molly Schannep (Fr)1030
5B. Buzzard (Fr)521613
12M. Espeset (So)211100
14Keilan Creager (Sr)841040
22Gracie Lauer (So)21425
35Ainsley West831323
44Olivia Neal (Jr)040
Team Totals28125422

Rebs, Asst, Steals and TOs

#Athlete NameOffDefTot RebAstStlsTO
3Aliala Atienza (Jr)022012
4Molly Schannep (Fr)00102
5B. Buzzard (Fr)213453
14Keilan Creager (Sr)022005
22Gracie Lauer (So)314002
35Ainsley West448144
44Olivia Neal (Jr)101000
Team Totals10102061018

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