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Norse Golf Handles Manchester/Whitko


Northfield Varsity Golf traveled to Sycamore Tuesday to take on conference opponents Manchester and Whitko in a 9 hole battle.

The Norse added 2 to the win column tallying a score of 160 to Manchester’s 184 and Whitko with 207.

Tyson Baer matched his season best and school record best through 9 holes with a 3 under par 33 to lead all participants. Baer would bogey his first hole and never look back after adding 4 birdies from that point on. Easton Shaw would take Silver Medalist with 5 pars and a birdie to finish at 39. Meanwhile, Tristan Hoffman got out to a hot start with 4 straight pars of his own and 6 total pars on 9 holes. The lone Norsemen senior came in with a 42 to finish 3rd among all participants. Gavin Brainard finished his 9 with a 46 to seal the victory at 160, as Ryder Schram came in just behind him with a 47. Hank Gray would complete the round with 54, and the Norsemen cruise to a record of 8-2 on the season.

Varsity Scores:

Connor Trump – 44

Luke Gish – 45

Preston Duffy – 52

Landon Gish – 49

Caleb Sautter – 46

JV Scores:

Logan Eastgate – 54

Gavin Betten – 47

Cole Henderson – 47

Bryan Fields – 55

Wyatt Young – 72

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