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Wabash County Sports

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Thursday At Etna Acres


Results of the June 21 Thursday Scramble League:

Closest to the pin #12 Dan and Myra Bickel, #16 Samantha Fields and Li, Longest putt made, Len Cross and Dayna Dale (also had low putts with 9 and a chip in on #17)
Other Chip ins were: #15 Larry and George, #18 Harold and Danielle Albertson, #17 Jan Finch and Todd Rebholtz.

Reminder 1: We are closed Friday morning.
Reminder 2: Sunday at 2:30 is our Junior/Senior Tournament. This is open to any junior age 17 and under and an adult over 20. The alternate shot format is lots of fun. Play starts at 2:30. Call the golf shop to sign up.

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