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Wabash County Sports

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Wabash Tennis Falls To Lewis Cass


On Tuesday night, Lewis Cass traveled to Wabash. It was a beautiful day for tennis, with warm temperatures and no wind. Lewis Cass came away with a 5-0 victory.

It was a tough night for the Apaches. The girls were never able to take control and find their rhythm on the court against a very strong Lewis Cass team.

Alexa Johnson (1 singles) lost 2-6, 0-6.
Emma Adams (2 singles) lost 0-6, 1-6.
Hadley Schuler (3 singles) lost 1-6, 1-6.
Abbi Hipskind and Maddie Von Uhl (1 doubles) lost 0-6, 2-6.
Bridget Bailey and Emma Weaver (2 doubles) lost 1-6, 1-6.

Coach Ford shared, “Their swings were out of sync, their first serves rarely went in, and they weren’t aggressive. They had opportunities to win points and games, but their unforced errors caused a sense of frustration. Mentally and physically, they were never able to get out of the holes they dug for themselves. I’m looking forward to having a good practice tonight, working on match scenarios, and putting ourselves in a position to win tomorrow night!”

Wabash hosts Peru Wednesday at 5PM. It will be senior night for our two seniors, Alexa and Maddie.

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