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Wabash County Sports

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Wabash Volleyball Breaks Even At Warsaw


The Wabash volleyball team went 2-2 at the Warsaw Invite Saturday.

Wabash went 2 and 2 today at the wawasee tourney to finish 4th.
Wabash lost to Garrett 22-25, 25-11, 12-15 and Culver Girls Academy 20-25, 19-25 and defeated Whitko 25-4, 25-22 and Bethany Christian 25-14, 25-12.

Cumulative stats for the day:

Kendra Wiles: 13 points and 7 digs
Brook Westendorf: 11 kills
Kasey Long: 4 kills
Faryn Morris: 25 kills, 29 points and 34 digs
Jade Stumbo: 14 kills, 30 points and 6 blocks
Emma Tracy: 24 points, 55 assists and 27 digs
Ashlynn Cruz: 8 points and 37 digs
Isabella VanderVelden: 17 kills and 8 blocks
Syd Sickafus: 9 points and 16 digs
Elena Olalla: 2 points and 9 digs

Wabash will return home next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

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